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Tesla Model 3 carpet

Do you want to buy 3D mats designed specifically for your Tesla Model 3?

In this section, discover a complete range for the 20217-2020 and 2021-2022 versions.

By finishing this part, you will know the manufacturing method as well as the composition of Model Sport 3D mats.

3D carpet for Tesla Model 3

It's an advent in the Tesla world. These 3D carpets are the most requested item in terms of accessories.

Although they are not necessary to enjoy your electric, they are necessary once you have tested it!

Best 2017-2020 and 2021-2022 Tesla Model 3 Floor Mats

Tapis de sol model 3

It is important first to notice that there is a differentiation between the first version of the Model 3 and the second. You should know that many things have changed such as the walls of the body.

It is for this reason that you will need to select the registration year of your Model 3 to enable us to provide you with floor mats that match and perfectly match the exterior walls.

Since the marketing of its big sister Model S, 3D thermoformed mats have become a standard because they are so simple and efficient to use. In addition, the outer surface is waterproof and dimpled, which allows you to obtain the advantage of rubber mats while having a much more luxurious appearance.

Tesla Model 3 Trunk Mat

Tapis coffre model 3

The rear boot also receives its own dedicated carpet, always with a view to perfect matching, with 3D thermoforming.

This shape is specially designed to give you protection as close as possible to the walls, but also to give the mat a "bin" shape, which will retain all the impurities inside, allowing you to take them out of the car and to clean them easily, without having to spend hours vacuuming up traces embedded in the carpet.

The rear under-trunk also receives its version of 3D carpet, as does the frunk (front trunk) for full protection of all your storage areas.

Tesla Model 3 rubber mat

The biggest problem with rubber mats is their "plastic" appearance which gives a low-end effect. 3D floor mats solve this problem without any compromise, keeping their waterproofness and adopting a visually pleasing floor surface.

Its composition remains standard for our entire range of 3D mats, the first surface aims to maintain a luxurious appearance with a honeycomb texture and an airtight power that does not allow any impurities or liquids to pass through.

The second layer of expanded foam gives you a kind of restraint in the event of an impact. If an item falls on the mat, the mat will hold the item and immediately return to its original shape without damage.

The last layer has anti-slip power: you probably know the frustration of having a mat that gets stuck under the pedal or that just slips systematically. Well, forget that worry, because this non-slip surface keeps all 3D mats in their position.